
How Are Tungsten Carbide Rings Made?

Tungsten and carbon are ground up into a powder first then pressed with high pressure dies or molds.  Then they are fired or baked if you will in an oxygen-free furnace at about 6000 degrees Fahrenheit. This is called sintered and forms a ring blank of the hardest metal.

Once the ring blank is made, it can then be individually hand cut and polished using a variety of poly crystalline diamond tools and diamond abrasives. To cut and polish a tungsten carbide ring you have to have something stronger then the tungsten and diamonds are about the only thing stronger. There are still about 30 different steps in the process to get it right. It is all very close to how diamonds themselves are cut and polished.  This leaves a tungsten carbide wedding band with a polish and shine that will never fade therefore looking new forever, longer then the eternal love of the couple wearing it. Other metals are to soft to where they can’t hold the process so fade and scratch.

With in the cutting process many different things can be done to design the perfect tungsten Ring. You can have inlay of gold and sliver even tungsten ceramic rings. Faceted Tungsten Rings, the ever elegant and popular Celtic tungsten rings, Laser Etched, this is also the only time that an engraving can be done and the only time that the size of the ring can be determined.

