
Tungsten Wedding Bands

When it comes to wedding bands, there are certainly many different materials to choose from, including precious metals like gold and platinum, to harder metals like titanium and tungsten, and to cheaper alternatives like stainless steel.
Of all these alternatives, lately tungsten has emerged as the primary metal of choice for men's and women’s wedding bands. It's steadily growing in popularity among other people as well, although it's not quite at the top spot yet.

Tungsten wedding bands win hands down when it comes to resisting scratches. Tungsten is a feature that no other metal can claim. With gold, silver or even platinum rings, every time you hit your ring somewhere hard you know it adds another scratch or nick on your ring. These will add up very quickly, and after years and years of normal wear you will really end up with a worn down ring. But tungsten’s immortal property and good wear and corrosion-resistant characteristics will make your tungsten wedding bands being preserved long-lastingly.

